Monday, August 27, 2018


"Prayer is talking with Jesus"
"Prayer is an offering up of our desires to God for all things lawful and needful,with humble confidence that we shall obtain them through the mediation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ"
"Prayer is worship addresed to the Father,in the name of Christ,and the power of the Holy Spirit"
"Prayer is the soul of man talking to God"
"Prayer should consist of at least four part.
"Remember the word "ACTS"
A-doration-praise and worship of the soul to God,(Psalm 95:6
C-onfession-rspentance from every know sin,(Psalm32:5)
T-hanksgiving -philippians 4:6 be thankful for anything everthing.
S-upplication-intercession,request,petitions and desire,(1Timothy 2:1)
Our prayers should be directed to God the Father,Acts 12:5,in the name of Jesus Christ(John 14:13)through the power of the Holy Spurits,Ephesians 2:18)God Bless

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